Emergency dental appointments

If you have a dental emergency, call us

If you need an emergency dental appointment in Bognor Regis or Chichester, contact us immediately, whether you are an existing patient or not. We have appointment slots every day for dental emergencies and aim to treat them as quickly and painlessly as possible

Before appointment:

Please book an appointment by calling our reception team at 01243 825 888. If you are a new patient, you will asked to fill out a medical history form to make sure we can tailor our treatments as per your health needs.

During appointment:

We will understand your concern and check your teeth and soft tissues. An X-ray may be needed to help diagnose the problem further. Treatment options will be discussed, and you will be offered a temporary treatment to alleviate your pain, as this is a short appointment. Then we can book time with you for a permanent treatment.

After treatment:

You may experience soreness for 24-48 hours after the treatment as teeth take time to settle. Though if you do have concerns, please give us a call and we can discuss them. We can always arrange to see you sooner than planned.


I have severe toothache, what do I do?

I have severe toothache, what do I do?

Make an appointment with us as soon as possible. Please take painkillers (paracetamol or ibuprofen). Avoid very hot or cold food and drinks. We will try to see you as soon as possible and your dentist will assess your mouth and might take an x-ray to diagnose the problem. After diagnosis is established, a treatment plan will be created and discussed with you.

I have broken my tooth, what do I do?

I have broken my tooth, what do I do?

If you break a tooth, it’s important to avoid hard foods and call us to arrange an appointment to fix the tooth.

I have an abscess, what do I do?

I have an abscess, what do I do?

Make an appointment as soon as possible, and tell us you think you may have a dental abscess. You shouldn’t delay treatment for a dental abscess because it is a bacterial infection. If it is confirmed as a tooth abscess, your dentist may drain it and may also do a root canal treatment to make sure your tooth stays healthy. You may need antibiotics in certain cases.

Until you see your dentist, if the affected area is very sore, take an over-the-counter treatment, which contains both an anti-inflammatory and a painkiller, for example Ibuprofen, rather than a painkiller alone. Avoid hot foods and drinks and try to use the other side of your mouth. Don’t stop brushing your teeth but use a soft toothbrush around the affected area.

Our Practice

Bognor Regis Dental

2 Central Ave, Bognor Regis PO21 5HG


01243 825888

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